Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Kudos to the GCR framers

This morning the GCR has added a FAQ section (http://www.greatcommissionresurgence.com/faq/). Kudos to the the framers of the GCR. This is Helpful.


Tim Rogers said...

Dr. Reynolds,

Thanks for calling this to our attention. We have a post about in on SBC Today.


selahV said...

Dr. Reynolds, I read this from SBCToday and am still reading it over. I'm a bit slow at taking it all in.

May I ask how it "is helpful" to you in particular? selahV

brad reynolds said...

It is helpful in that it is clear that the framers of the GCR do not see the BFM2000 as a maximal document. They expressly state that; and since we affirm authoral intent we understand the document better.

I am not saying it has resolved all the concerns that some may have but at least the issue of minimal/maximal has been addressed.

Thanks for asking

selahV said...

Thanks so much, Dr. Reynolds. That is the part I thought I was truly understanding.

I'm just grateful that people are talking about sharing Jesus and emphasizing our need to get out of our comfort zones. I'm praying for God to give me a greater boldness and finer tuned discernment to share as the Holy Spirit leads. selahV

brad reynolds said...

I think that is the good which can and should come out of this. Sharing Christ w others:)

Thanks for the reminder - I needed it:)